
We’re back online to “sell prescription drugs”

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If this site may appear empty, with time holes in its publication, it’s because it was under attack. No, not a cyber attack, but a choice of a multinational company to ban content published on YouTube after years of sacrifice, hard work and sweat.

No, it’s not because we talked about covids, vaccines or denied the Shoah.
Google’s social video, gave us the boot because we were “selling prescription drugs.” It didn’t ring true and we were hoping for an appeal, which we did around 11pm, but the negative response came at 5am the next morning.

We explained that the channel belonged to a journalist and writer who deals with digital issues on a daily basis, that the videos did not promote the sale of drugs. Unfortunately, it didn’t help the American on duty who, from the other side of the ocean, didn’t even read the motivations of our defense. A defense that we thought to conduct in the courtrooms, but we were told that YouTube is based in America and therefore is like asking for explanations, or justice, to a resident of any foreign country that has perpetrated online fraud for millions of euros.

Victims of Google’s censorship.
Why victims?

Because to pay the consequences of this decision full of defamation, in defiance of the constitutional principles of freedom of expression and protection of information, were the 4000 subscribers and the undefined number of people who generated a million views on about 800 video contents uploaded and incorporated in the form of news on the old version of Matrice Digitale.

Today, the information activity that we have always carried out, made by journalists and highly qualified people, restarts in full, but we will do it without being a registered newspaper.

It is an ethical choice because associations, the Order of Journalists, the United Union of Journalists, have not responded to our request for help, shirking a legal, ethical and moral action that should be consolidated since the digital has exceeded any traditional means of information and this says a lot about those who say they care about journalists, their rights, and the much vaunted freedom of information.

So what’s the point of having a newspaper?
We prefer to be the bearers of that journalism that is not only afraid of the mafia, but of a multinational corporation that, worse than criminality, can wipe a person, a worker, a professional, a newspaper and a legitimate opinion group from the face of the digital world, which in modern scenarios means real, undisturbed.

And it can do so with the authority of a state, fascist, enjoying an impunity that is not guaranteed to the worst mafioso or terrorist, but to dictators yes, being more and more rewarded by the turnover of pieces of market cannibalized undisturbed over 30 years and more.

From this story, I think it’s clear that we at Matrice Digitale are there, and we are there to be on the other side.

Di Livio Varriale

Giornalista e scrittore: le sue specializzazioni sono in Politica, Crimine Informatico, Comunicazione Istituzionale, Cultura e Trasformazione digitale. Autore del saggio sul Dark Web e il futuro della società digitale “La prigione dell’umanità” e di “Cultura digitale”. Appassionato di Osint e autore di diverse ricerche pubblicate da testate Nazionali. Attivista contro la pedopornografia online, il suo motto è “Coerenza, Costanza, CoScienza”.

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