
NoName057 to Matrice Digitale: we are analyzing the Italian cyber perimeter

Tempo di lettura: 3 minuti. In the past month, the National Cybersecurity Agency issued an alert about potential cyber attacks by a Russian group called NoName057(16). Little, if any, damage was reported and Italy responded well unlike many other European countries such as Denmark in these hours under attack in many of its banking infrastructures. Matrice Digitale was able to […]


500.000 computers will attack the USA from the inside. Killnet and Legion say to us

Tempo di lettura: 4 minuti. Italy has plunged into long-awaited cyber warfare with hacker attacks that have ravaged the government sites of the Defense Ministry, which has denied it, ACI, Iss and many others. Igniting the public debate has been the authorship of the attack. According to many, there is a difference between KillNet and Legion, but the editorial staff […]

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