
NoName057 to Matrice Digitale: we are analyzing the Italian cyber perimeter

Tempo di lettura: 3 minuti.

In the past month, the National Cybersecurity Agency issued an alert about potential cyber attacks by a Russian group called NoName057(16). Little, if any, damage was reported and Italy responded well unlike many other European countries such as Denmark in these hours under attack in many of its banking infrastructures. Matrice Digitale was able to interviewarligrazie also thanks to a diponibilità shown by the Russian hacktivist group.


The interview was conducted via email with questions not agreed upon and answers arrived without the possibility of debate, it is clarified that the content of the answers provided by the Russian hacktivists DOES NOT reflect the editorial line of the newspaper that publishes them.

Did you go through Italy, did you find anything and were you satisfied with the damage done or did you find a system that was better than your offensive capability?

Italy is one of the most interesting cases in our practice. Satisfaction with our work directly depends on the involvement of Italy in the conflict with Ukraine. The less senseless military support from Italy, the less we will see it as a part of the conflict. We are actively working on the collection, analysis and further elements of the exploitation of threats, including in the segment of Italian networks.

What is your relationship with KillNet? Are you connected to them?

We have a positive attitude towards all hacktivists whose task is to fight against neo-fascism, Russophobia and blind adherence to American hegemonism. We go on our own and are not connected to anyone.

Do you feel more like hacktivists or an APT in the service of the Russian government?

In the soul of each of us lives a hacktivist. Even those who participate in the DDoSia project and do not have special DDoS skills are also hacktivists. We serve the interests of justice and digital freedom. Along the way, we help a huge number of people from all over the world to see that neo-Nazism rising from its knees can and must be defeated. There are definitely no halftones in this fight.

What is your goal? What do you want to prove by your actions?

Our goal is to actively oppose neo-Nazism and fight against those who help it raise its head. We are for justice and against rabid Russophobia.

Do you know that DDOS is closer to kiddie scripts than to cyber attacks by internationally considered hackers?

DDoS is one of our directions. We have guys who are engaged in pentesting, dorking, analytics, translations, flooding, osint. We do not shine these directions (at least we try not to shine) for the reason that the results of such work must be created and live in silence. Part of our work is used by other hack groups. DDoS cannot be hidden in this regard) The volume of publications about us is quite large, but we do not consider this a merit.

What do you expect from war? Are you in favor of peace, against the West? Or do you feel no pity for Ukrainians dying under bombs?

We are not at war, but a special military operation. No one has declared war on anyone. We stand for peace and harmonious coexistence of peoples, including those with Western countries. We are tired of the fact that Western countries are constantly in confrontation with Russia. The NATO military bloc is constantly moving its bases to our borders. If it’s not directed against us, then why is it being done? Ukrainians… We feel sorry for the Ukrainians who died in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, the murdered children of Luhansk and Donbass. We are incredibly sorry that the current Ukrainian regime has taken its own people hostage. And these people are not able to resist it. Our principle with terrorists is simple – no agreements. What is happening to the Ukrainians is a huge tragedy and grief. Nazism, which is successfully cultivated in Ukraine, has taken too deep roots in society and it has lost the ability to resist and resist this. We will solve this problem.

Di Livio Varriale

Giornalista e scrittore: le sue specializzazioni sono in Politica, Crimine Informatico, Comunicazione Istituzionale, Cultura e Trasformazione digitale. Autore del saggio sul Dark Web e il futuro della società digitale “La prigione dell’umanità” e di “Cultura digitale”. Appassionato di Osint e autore di diverse ricerche pubblicate da testate Nazionali. Attivista contro l’abuso dei minori, il suo motto è “Coerenza, Costanza, CoScienza”.

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